Monday, January 25, 2010

Abraham Lincoln Bio Poem

  • Abraham
  • Brave, Great leader, and important person (as a president, father, husband, friend etc).
  • Husband of Mary Todd Lincoln and father of Robert, Eduard, William and Thomas.
  • Who loved freedom and equality for everybody with no exception.
  • Who hated slavery, hated to see his citizens in poverty, hated to see the states of the U.S not unified.
  • Who feared that his country won’t be unified, feared that some people will still believe that there is a good effect of slavery, and feared that inequality will never and ever disappear.
  • Who ended the slavery thanks to the thirteenth amendment; he is the author of famous quotes, letters and speeches.
  • Wanted to see all the states of the U.S together, no slavery (he succeeded), no war, but love, peace and freedom for each American.
  • Born in Kentucky and Died in Washington D.C
  • Lincoln


  1. I needed this man, had a groover assignment, and I couldn't fin. without this like toats. thank. rully like for sure rully this is so sniff man.
