Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Meaning of My First Name Goé

My name is Goé André Ismaël TOE, and I’m going to explain the meaning of my first name Goé. My home country, Burkina Faso formerly called Upper Volta is located in the middle of West Africa. The country is bounded on the North West by Mali, North East by Niger, and the South by Ivory Coast, Ghana, Togo and Benin. My dad is from Toma, a village located nearby Mali. Goé was the nickname of my great grandfather.

My great grandfather was the leader of a small group of wrestlers from Mali. One day, after days of walking, his people and he arrived in a village called Toma, and he said that he is the new king of the village. He was well known in the region as a good wrestler, so the villagers thought he might be a good leader. The actual king disagreed with that and challenged him with initially two tasks. Suddenly that day became a holyday, the news spread throughout the village, and within a few minutes the audience was full of people. Then the king announced the tasks.

First, my grand dad had to fight the best wrestler of the king. Usually when two wrestlers are fighting, it can take hours before the bravest wins. So during that time people just drink, eat, exchange news etc. Unfortunately after a demonstration of his wrestler’s abilities, everybody knew the feast will end up sooner. It took only a few minutes to the king’s wrestler to admit that my great grandfather was the best. Then the king announced the second task.

To be sure that my great grandfather won’t win, the king ask him to cut a cotton yarn with an arrow and a bow. The king suggested to my great grandfather to take the day off to be prepared, and the latter answered that a great wrestler does not need to be prepared; he is always ready to do any tasks. That was good news for the villagers; otherwise they have to return to their duties. Two people were holding the cotton yarn at a hundred meters to my great grandfather. Suddenly the public became silent. A few people were making fun of him saying it was impossible. He cocked this bow with an arrow made from a certain timber, and then everything went so fast. The cotton yarn has been cut into two equal parts. Victory for my great grandfather, but the king wanted an ultimate task. He asked to my great grandfather to fight an animal called the panther that the king had.

Without any hesitation my great grandfather accepted. People thought that was enough the king has to honor his words. They brought a wild panther in front of my great grandfather. For a minute neither he nor the panther moved. Some people said my great grandfather was kind of communicating with the animal. Then he decided to fight the panther with bare hands. After an incredible battle, my great grandfather won. I know he got some injuries but I don’t remember how serious they were. Since that day people gave him the nick Goé which means Panther in my language.

Since approximately hundred seventy years my people are the leader of my village. Even we don’t have any more a king; they have a very important role. I really wanted to experience that day, it looks it were a day to do not miss.

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